Our testimonials are given by healthcare professionals, parents, teachers support staff, and clients. We value every one of them!
Our testimonials are given by healthcare professionals, parents, teachers support staff, and clients. We value every one of them!
Not only can we see the clear changes in behaviour for the children that attend music therapy…but it’s giving the staff new skills and techniques to work with the children that need a little extra support. Just brilliant.
It is absolutely fascinating to see how this child responds in music therapy…to be surrounded by verbal interaction, then be met in an environment when words are sometimes not used at all…it is incredibly impactive. I think it should be available to every child!
I have honestly never seen anything like it…music therapy reaches this child at such a profound level, we are in tears of joy every session, and their development visibly increases week to week.
Some of the children in our school are that bit older…and they really struggle to engage both in the classroom and with staff on a 1:1 basis. Music therapy breaks down all boundaries. They love the sessions, and they think it’s so ‘cool’ that they are pushed to reach their potential…sometimes without even realising it!
Our music therapist is an integral part of our team. Not only do they engage clinically with the clients, but they also liaise with staff within the multi-disciplinary team…most importantly always putting the client first. We absolutely could not do without music therapy…and our clients wouldn’t allow it!
The children that receive music therapy at school often make an amazing amount of progress with their communication skills – often beginning to initially respond, verbalise or give eye contact for the first time during these sessions.
Our client ‘thoroughly enjoys her [neurologic music therapy] sessions and they all feel that she is progressing more than ever, so thank you for your continued input!’
We use MusAbility for several of our clients who are currently, and have previously been through the medical negligence court system. MusAbility’s services are not only professional, timely and evidence-based in their clinical assessments, but the clients also show real developments in long-term work where many other health professionals declared none were possible. A truly inspirational team.
My daughter engages with nothing in her week…except music therapy. It calms her behaviours, focuses and encourages her…and she absolutely LOVES it. I wish our music therapist could come every day!
Music therapy is so freeing. When she is engaged, I see my mum the way she used to be.
Our music therapist is naturally playful and this helps to motivate me when I am feeling low, as well as engage my child in something exciting.
Even when challenges arise…and they do, our music therapist is never phased, and most importantly never loses sight of my child’s needs.
My music therapist is warm, compassionate and sensitive. She takes my issues seriously and I feel understood.
At MusAbility we believe the client comes first and so will do everything in our power to support and help our clients to reach their maximum potential
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